Theorem Let F be a field of characteristic 0, containing all
roots of 1. Let f(x) ∈ F(x) be an irreducible
polynomial of prime
degree p. Suppose f(x) is solvable by radicals over F. Let K be the
splitting field of f(x). Then [K:F] divides
p (p - 1).
Proof Converting it to a statement about groups, let G be
Gal(K/F). G is a solvable subgroup of the symmetry group Sp
on p elements, with order(G) divisible by p; we want to show that the order
of G divides p (p - 1).
If p = 2 then order(G) = 1 or 2, so it's true. So assume
p > 2. Let x be a p-cycle in G, <x> the subgroup
generated by x.
Lemma 1: Let H be a subgroup of G which properly contains <x>.
Then, <x> is properly contained in NH, the normalizer of
<x> in H.
Proof: Suppose on the contrary that NH = <x>. Then
the order of class(<x>) = order(H) / p. So there are
order(H) (p - 1)/ p elements of order p in H. So
there are order(H)/p - 1 non-identity elements not
of order p in H.
Choose generators x1, ..., xn, where
n = order(H)/p, for the p-groups in H. Pick
αj, j ∈ {2, ..., n} such
that zj =
xjαj x1 fixes 1.
The zj's are order(H)/p - 1 distinct non-identity
elements not of order p.
But more can easily be found.
x2α2 x1
doesn't fix everything; suppose it doesn't fix i. Choose
β2 such that
x2β2 x1 fixes
x2β2 x1
is distinct from all the zj's.
So NH must properly contain <x>.
Lemma 2: Let 1 = Hn < Hn-1 <
... < H1 = G be a minimal solvable chain for G ( i.e.
Hi-1 / Hi is abelian). Then <x> ≤
Proof: Proof by induction on i. Suppose that
<x> < Hi. By Lemma 1, <x> is
properly contained in Ni, the normalizer of <x> in
Hi. Let y ∈ Ni - <x>.
y x y-1 x-1 ∈ <x>, but
y x y-1 x-1 ≠ 1 since
the centralizer of <x> in Sp is <x>.
So x ∈ <y x y-1 x-1>. So
x is in the commutator subgroup of Hi. Since
Hi/Hi+1 is abelian, <x> ≤
Hi+1. This is why I think of this proof as shaking a
tree. You shake <x> down the chain of subgroups.
Lemma 3: G is contained in N, the normalizer of <x> in
Proof: Let 1 = H0 < H1 < ...
< Hn = G be a solvable chain for G. The proof is by
induction on the index of the H's. By Lemma 2, <x> ≤
H1, and since H1 is abelian,
H1 ≤ N.
Suppose that Hi ≤ N. Pick h ∈
Hi+1. Since Hi is normal in
Hi+1, h <x> h-1 ≤
Hi. But then h <x> h-1 =
<x>, since there is only one p-group in Hi. So
<x> is normal in Hi+1. So the lemma is proved.
It only remains to show that the order of N is p (p - 1).
But that's easy: there are (p - 1)! p-cycles in
each p-group has p-1 p-cycles, so there are (p -
2)! p-groups in Sp. So the order of N is p
(p - 1).
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